Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Tanky McTankface

After Boaty McBoatface and Trainy McTrainface, I just thought the name fit.  Or would, for a real tank and not the plummet that may take the Canucks to the bottom of the standings.  If you aren't up on the Boaty McBoatface story, you should have a look:

Oh, those silly Brits.

After Daniel calls out the team, particularly the rookies, the whole group provides another craptastic effort in Winnipeg last night.  Not that I mind--the more losses the better at this point.  It's kind of too bad that last overall only has a 20% chance of getting first pic the way this team is crashing.

Someone needs to explain to the morning crew on 1040--"Bro Jake and the Pratt man" that no matter how many losses they pile up, Austin Matthews is a long shot.  They act as if it would be a sure thing, but at least if the tank continues, we know there's likely a good player coming from round one.

It will suck if Edmonton gets #1 overall yet again, though.

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